Minsk, Tchaikovskogo Str, 7

Distance TT provides the future applicants with the opportunity to test their knowledge in 15 academic subjects and find out their results at once.

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CT results

Results of CT-2020.

CT Results

RIKC News & Events:


Digests based on the CT materials have been published


The following digests have been published by LLC “Aversev” and are currently on sale:

- digests with test tasks in 14 school subjects that were used during the centralized testing in 2024;

They include answers and answer sheet samples.

High school students and university applicants can make use of the digests in order not only to organize and check their knowledge but also to follow the main trends in the CT tasks. The digests are aimed at high school students and university applicants for CT-2025 preparation as well as at teachers of general secondary education establishments.

Centralized Testing Certificates 2023

Dear applicants!

The certificates of centralized testing 2023 can be gathered from 14/07/2023 at the centres where the testing was conducted before the certificate expires (until 31/12/2024).

The certificates of centralized testing 2022 for those applicants who participated in the CT on additional days can be obtained from 20/07/2023 at the centres where the testing was conducted before the certificate expires (until 31/12/2024).

Please pay attention to the fact that applicants who participated in the centralized testing in 2023 can collect their certificates at the testing centres until the end of 2023.

To obtain certificates, an applicant must have an ID, an education certificate (a certificate of general secondary education, or a diploma of vocational education, or a diploma of secondary special education), and a pass with the mark "Passed the test".

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus approved Resolution No. 28 dated March 12, 2024 "On conducting centralized testing in academic subjects in 2024".


The document defines the schedule of centralized testing on main and reserve days. .pdf

Dear graduates of institutions of general secondary education and applicants of higher education institutions in 2024!

The educational institution "Republican Institute for Knowledge Control" informs about the conduct of trial testing in 15 academic subjects for the course of general secondary education to prepare for the centralized exam and centralized testing in 2024.

The rehearsal testing will be conducted in three stages:

1st stage – October – December 2023

2nd Stage – January – February 2024

3rd Stage – March – April 2024

The list of educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, on the base of which it is possible to take trial testing, will be posted on the RIKC website after the conclusion of agreements. Each testing centre defines its own schedule and the number of participants of the trial testing in academic subjects. Up-to-date information on all available TT sessions is posted in the participant's personal account on the RIKC website.

Detailed information about the procedure for organizing and conducting trial testing is available in the section "Trial testing" (https://rikc.by/pretrialtesting/335-repeticionnoe-testirovanie.html).

Digests based on the CT materials have been published


The following digests have been published by LLC “Aversev” and are currently on sale:

- digests with test tasks in 14 school subjects that were used during the centralized testing in 2021;

They include answers and answer sheet samples.

High school students and university applicants can make use of the digests in order not only to organize and check their knowledge but also to follow the main trends in the CT tasks. The digests are aimed at high school students and university applicants for CT-2022 preparation as well as at teachers of general secondary education establishments.

Dear applicants! Collections based on the materials of centralized testing have been published

LLC "New Knowledge" published and put on sale collections of tests in 14 academic subjects provided to applicants during the CT in 2022.

It is also possible to purchase complete collections of tests in 9 academic subjects published by “Aversev” LLC, which contain tests of the 2017-2021 CT period.

Answers are given to all tasks, samples of the answer sheet are given.

Using these materials, high school students and future applicants will be able not only to systematize and independently control their knowledge, but also to trace the main trends in the formation of CT tasks. The collections are recommended to high school students, applicants for independent preparation for the CT-2023, as well as teachers of general secondary education.

Distance Trial Testing 2023


We inform you that pedagogical tests in 15 academic subjects are available for the DTT 2023 in the section "Distance Trial Testing".


Educational institution Republican Institute of Knowledge Control holds a competition for vacancies of a methodologist in the field of

  • to mathematics
  • Contact number (017) 311 00 05

Programmes for entrance exams in academic subjects adopted

The programmes for entrance exams in academic subjects for individuals with general secondary education willing to obtain higher education (degree І) or secondary special education in 2023 can be found on the National Institute of Education website in the section “For Pupils” << “Exam preparation” (https://adu.by/ru/ucheniky/podgotovka-k-ekzamenam.html) and “For Teachers” << “Exams” (https://adu.by/ru/uchitelyu/ekzameny.html).

Emblem and flag of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus adopted

August 7, by Presidential decree № 308 the emblem and the flag of the Ministry of Education were adopted. This document was passed in order to maintain and develop the historical traditions of the Ministry. The Decree also adopted regulations on the emblem and flag, their description and the images. The symbols will be used to identify the Ministry of Education in the information space of the country and outside, to identify the employees of the establishment.

Distance Trial Testing

In order to give applicants an opportunity to take a test from one of the Trial Testing stages free of charge, there is a section on the RIKC web-site “Distance Trial Testing” where you can find: test variants (only one) in 15 academic subjects, theme-related consultation on the error correction. Materials for theme-related consultations include the task, the solution and/or the commentary, the correct answer and the reference to the text-book and the section that has the necessary information. To understand how to fill in the answer sheet and to avoid technical mistakes while filling in the answer sheet during the centralized testing, in this section you can find answer sheet examples and detailed instruction on the order of filling in the answer sheet (video). Via this service which available in the above-mentioned section, test-takers can get their DTT results (score) and the numbers of the correct and incorrect answers.

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